Should you have spent any time looking around online for answers to your acne questions, you will have, at some point, encountered overnight spot patches for acne treatment. If so, then you may have heard that they’re great for keeping your spots healthy and allowing them to heal. The question that naturally arises when considering them is…do they work?
The hype surrounding the product is justified if the little patches do what they say on the packet. We’ll get started here by looking at how they’re designed to work.
How Overnight Spot Patches For Acne Treatment Work
For a number of decades, large hydrocolloid sheets were used in hospitals to help people recover from injury and surgery. Featuring soothing hydrocolloid gel, these large sheets shield wounds from infection, as well as create the conditions for healing. You see, overnight spot patches for acne treatment are simply these sheets but in small round squares.
Fashioned into small round patches that fit neatly over open zits, they carry out exactly the same role in that they help your zits to heal. They also offer another useful feature, which is to draw out all the impurities that might cause the wound to fester.
So, How Effective Are They Really?
Ask anyone from the millions of people that use them on a regular basis, and they’ll tell you that these patches are every bit as effective as they’re claimed to be. They do exactly the job they’re meant to and give you a fighting chance of overcoming your regular pimples. That said, they do offer another couple of useful benefits in terms of acne control.
Firstly, they seal off your spots, meaning that you can’t scratch or touch them directly after being applied. They’re see-through, too, so you don’t have to worry about going out with one on your face. The truth is that they’re very much worth the hype, but as with any kind of cosmetic or skincare product, following the manufacturer’s instructions is key.
As such, you should be sure to:
- Clean the area thoroughly before applying your spot patch so as to ensure that you don’t seal in any dirt or bacteria.
- Never leave them on for longer than 8 hours or so, as the patch will get full and may start to re-infect the spot.
- Always dry the area before application, otherwise, the adhesive on the back may not take properly and will end up falling off.
Overnight Spot Patches For Acne Treatment Are Worth It!
When it all comes down to it, these great little patches are absolutely worth spending your money on, as they do precisely what they’re supposed to. You do, however, need to ensure that you’re using them as they should be, as otherwise, you won’t be able to get the most from them.
So, if you’ve been sitting on the fence wondering whether to take the plunge, now you have your answer. We’re sure you won’t regret investing in a pack or two.