Republic Bharat is a free-to-air Hindi news channel. It is owned by Arnab Goswami and is available through DD Free Dish. Its sister channel Republic World broadcasts news primarily in English. Both channels are aimed at providing news to the Hindi-speaking audience. The two channels are also part of DD Free Dish. For more information, check out the RepublicBharat website.
The Indian news channel RepublicBharat has been fined by the UK broadcasting watchdog Ofcom for the use of hate speech in a recent episode. The fine was issued to Republic TV and its owner, Worldview Media Network Limited. The fine was issued following an investigation into the alleged use of uncontextualised hate speech in the Poochta Hai Bharat episode. To read the full Ofcom decision, visit the website.
To place an advertisement on RepublicBharat, you will first need to choose the media you wish to use. You can choose from video ads, scrollers, Aston Bands, and more. Once you’ve chosen the media, you’ll see an estimated price for the amount of airtime you require. The cost will vary depending on the timeband, but the reach of RepublicBharat will be directly proportional.
Republic Bharat has a huge audience and is a powerful advertising platform. The platform lets advertisers target a huge audience in a short time period. This is ideal for brands trying to reach a premium audience. Almost everyone in the family is likely to watch RepublicBharat, which makes it a highly effective tool for any marketing campaign.